Jan. 14, 2010
Casey Eichfeld, a 2008 Olympian and National Champion on the U.S. Whitewater Slalom Team, will be telling Olympic stories and signing autographs at ASCI’s “Little Otter Discovery Room” on Saturday, Jan. 16, from 2 to 4 p.m. The Adventure Sports Center’s new mascot, “Asci the Otter” will also be present. Kids are invited to meet Eichfeld, and to play in the Little Otter room for free.
Eichfeld is just finishing a winter training camp at Lake Placid in New York, and will be working part time at the Adventure Sports Center International on weekends during the winter. He also works as a raft guide and canoe instructor for ASCI during the summer.
Eichfeld grew up Drums, Pa., and has traveled the world racing in whitewater canoes. He began slalom racing at age 5, and by the age of 8, he was on the National Slalom Cadet Team as the youngest competitor ever at a U.S. Whitewater Slalom National Championship.
As a teenager, Eichfeld was competing in Europe as a National Junior Team member, and in the June 2000 issue of Paddler magazine was recognized as one of the “Paddlers of the Next Century.” Later that year, he was featured in the Sports Illustrated for Kids Olympic issue as a future “Olympic Hotshot.”
By 2007, Eichfeld had become a stalwart member of the U.S. Junior and Senior National Teams, racing in the double canoe with Ricky Powell. He also continued to race in the single canoe, and won gold in the 2007 Youth Olympic Festival at the Penrith Olympic Whitewater Stadium in Australia.
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