Finding replacement for Teets will begin, end with public input
Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News
OAKLAND — The Maryland Association of Boards of Education is seeking public input on the hiring of a new Garrett County schools superintendent. After public input is sought, the position will be open for applications no later than Jan. 1, according to Tom Carr, president of the Garrett County Board of Education.
Once public input is gathered, MABE will forward the comments to the Board of Education, which will use the comments to put together a job description.
“The interviewing process is going to begin with and end with public input,” said Carr.
MABE will host a public input session Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. in the Southern High School cafetorium and BOE members will not attend this meeting. Those wishing to attend the input session are asked to consider two to three things that make Garrett County a special place to work, live and learn; four to five qualities/characteristics that would be favorable for a new superintendent; and challenges that a new superintendent will face in upcoming years.
“The board is relying on the community to embrace the effort and join us in searching for the best candidate possible,” said Carr.
MABE will receive applications until the end of February/March and a new superintendent will be hired by April to replace interim superintendent Sue Waggoner. She was named to the position in April, following the announcement of Wendell Teets’ retirement.
Selected representatives of stakeholders such as teachers, administrators, support staff, bus drivers, the business community, parents associations and service groups will be invited to interview the top three to four final candidates, which will require a three- or four-day commitment, explained Carr.
Although the position will be advertised nationally, Carr is hoping to find someone local to fill the position.
“I think we have enough talent in these mountains to hire someone locally. However, if we have someone great from the Eastern Shore, that would be fine, too,” said Carr.
Anyone who is unable to attend the public forum may submit written comments to Kitty Blumsack at by Nov. 1.
Contact Elaine Blaisdell at
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