December 1, 2010
Grants to be Awarded in Every County of the State and Baltimore City are Expected to Help Approx. 1,400 Marylanders
ANNAPOLIS, MD — Governor Martin O’Malley announced today the award recipients for the FY2011 “EmPOWER Clean Energy Communities” grant program, which helps local governments and nonprofits fund energy efficiency projects specifically for low to moderate income Marylanders. The grants, overseen by the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA), are expected to help 1,400 Marylanders save a total of 1,800 MWH of electricity and almost 7 million cubic feet of natural gas each year, or over $5.1 million in savings over the estimates life of the measures.
“These grants are an example of exactly the type of efficiency projects we had intended for Maryland communities and families when we entered into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the nation’s first multi-state collaborative carbon cap-and-trade program,” said Governor O’Malley. “These grants are another step forward in our effort to make Maryland’s future cleaner, greener, and more sustainable for all our citizens.”
These grants, forty-one in total, will be awarded in every county across Maryland and Baltimore City. With projects ranging from home energy efficiency upgrades in Caroline County to large-scale residential weatherization in Montgomery County, local jurisdictions and non-profit organizations will use these funds to help make Maryland more energy efficient.
“The Maryland Energy Administration is thrilled to be able to help hundreds of Maryland families save money on their energy bills, while also creating jobs and stimulating the economy,” said Malcolm Woolf, Director of the Maryland Energy Administration. “Under the leadership of Governor O’Malley, Maryland is continuing to move forward towards achieving our EmPower Maryland goal of reducing energy consumption 15% by 2025.”
Each Maryland county and Baltimore City was provided an allocation based on the number of low-to-moderate income households residing in the respective area. A listing of grants awarded is detailed below. Funding for the program comes from the Strategic Energy Investment Fund, which was created from public auctions of carbon credits through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
For more information, visit the Maryland Energy Administration.
2011 EMPOWER Clean Energy Communities Project Synopsis:
Garrett County Habitat for Humanity Garrett County $15,000
Garrett County Habitat for Humanity will use their grant to enable energy efficiency upgrades for three (3) Habitat homes in Garrett County.
Prosperity Pail Ministry Works, Inc. Garrett County $6,000
This grant will enable Prosperity Pail to provide hot water tank upgrades to low-to-moderate income residents.
Read the full article here.