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Jan. 13, 2011
Del. Wendell R. Beitzel (R-Dist. 1A) introduced his first bill for consideration by the Maryland General Assembly yesterday, the first day of the 2011 session.
House Bill 12, dubbed by Beitzel as the “Buy American” bill, would require state agencies to purchase American-made uniforms, as well as safety equipment and protective accessories. The measure, which was introduced late into the 2010 legislative session, will once again be assigned to the House Health and Government Operations Committee.
“This is a jobs bill, plain and simple,” said Beitzel. “We as Maryland’s legislators need to do anything and everything we can to foster jobs.”
There are at least 20 states that have some form of “Buy American” purchasing preferences. Beitzel’s introduction of the bill stemmed from a request from Fechheimer Manufacturing, located in Grantsville. Fechheimer employs 150 workers who make uniforms for state employees in states around the country that have Buy American requirements.
According to Beitzel, the primary reason Fechheimer is manufacturing uniforms and other items in Grantsville is because other states have the Buy American requirements.
“With Maryland’s unemployment rate hovering around 8%, we must keep Maryland’s jobs in Maryland,” Beitzel said.