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Feb. 24, 2011
Board of Garrett County Commissioners chairman Gregan Crawford and Commissioner Bob Gatto attended a public hearing in Annapolis yesterday to provide support for House Bill 411. Sponsored by Del. Wendell Beitzel, the proposed legislation requires the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to establish certain regulations regarding natural gas drilling.
“The Board of Garrett County Commissioners desires to see the process of exploration into the development of Marcellus gas resources managed in the best possible manner,” Gregan told the House Environmental Affairs Committee, which was assigned HB 411. “That requires oversight on both state as well as the local level. The board does not desire to see drilling commence without a prudent and in-depth review. Our county is reviewing the local aspects of this industry, and we believe that House Bill 411 is an essential step in the pro-cess.”
A companion bill, Senate Bill 422, sponsored by Sen. George Edwards, has been assigned to the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee, which will hold a hearing next Tuesday, March 1, at 1 p.m.
The proposed legislation outlines several issues that the MDE would have to address. Those include requirements relating to the following:
1. A water testing plan to ensure drinking water resources are protected, including requirements for surface well casing, grouting, and inspections.
2. The containment and disposal of fluid used in hydraulic fracturing pro-cesses.
3. The identification of all chemicals and materials used in hydraulic fracturing processes.
4. Prohibiting the unregulated discharge of drilling materials and fluids into streams, ponds, and other bodies of water for which the discharge has not been approved by the department.
5. Site reclamation and bonding.
HB 411/SB 422 would require MDE to submit regulations to the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review regarding natural gas exploration and production in the Marcellus shale formation no later than Dec. 31.