Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreekvacations.com301-501-0420

County schools get good progress report

New security measures, resource officers in place in Garrett County schools

For the Cumberland Times-News Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — Garrett County Public Schools have installed new door security hardware and incorporated school resource officers for the opening of schools.

The school system has placed cameras and video recording equipment, access control door entry systems, and entry intercoms/buzzers at all schools to provide additional security for the students, staff and visitors. The security software will allow for a keyless entry system for all employees and will allow the schools to be locked at all times during the school day.

Parents and guardians who want to access a particular school will need to ring the buzzer at the front door. Office staff will communicate through the intercom system and, if approved, will grant access to the building. A photo identification may be required.

The Garrett County commissioners have funded two full-time SROs  — one for the northern end of the county and one for the southern end. Sheriff Robert Corley will have the overall responsibility for Lt. Clark Warnick and Deputy Tim Sanders, who have offices in the schools. Their daily law enforcement and educational activities will be coordinated with the local school administration staff.

“The safety and security of our students and staff are paramount to the board of education,” said Cynthia Downton, president of the Garrett County Board of Education. “We appreciate the support of the Garrett County commissioners, Garrett County Sheriff’s Office and the Maryland State Department of Education for their support of these important safety initiatives. In addition to these measures, we remind our school staff and community members to continue to be vigilant regarding strangers around school grounds or in our schools.”

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Deep Creek Lake Management Plan Steering Committee Meeting

The Deep Creek Lake Management Plan Steering Committee will be holding its first meeting on September 11, 2013 at the Garrett County Health Department Conference Room (RM 107) located at 1025 Memorial Drive, Oakland, MD 21550. The public is invited to attend. Please click on the following link for more information:  Steering Committee Meeting


Fall Foliage Forecast: Best Chance for Vibrant Display in Mid-Atlantic

By Jillian MacMath, AccuWeather.com Staff Writer
August 28, 2013; 7:41 AM

As summer comes to a close and fall weather ushers in the changing of leaves, this year’s most vibrant display of foliage will occur across the mid-Atlantic. Meanwhile, surrounding regions may be hindered by flooding rain and unseasonable temperatures.

“Most important is really what happens at the end of September and beginning of October into the middle of October. That’s really the crucial period,” according to Dr. Marc Abrams, professor of Forest Ecology and Physiology at Penn State University.

Abrams began observing how weather conditions affect fall foliage more than 25 years ago.

The AccuWeather.com 2013 Fall Forecast predicts near-normal temperatures and precipitation for the mid-Atlantic region, allowing bright, colorful leaves.

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Deep Creek Property Owners Association elects officers

For the Cumberland Times-News Cumberland Times-News

MCHENRY — The Property Owners’ Association of Deep Creek Lake Inc. elected officers and board members during the general membership meeting Saturday.

Robert Hoffmann was elected president, Karen Smith secretary and Tom Myers was re-elected treasurer. Susie Crawford was elected first vice president and Ed Neff was elected vice president for communications. Chris Nichols was re-elected vice president for membership and assistant treasurer.

Newly elected board members include Anthony M. Lombardi, Barbara Hafer and Lauren O’Brien. Robert Hoffmann, Susie Crawford, John Quilty and Katheryn Gemberling were re-elected to three-year terms. Three past presidents — Roger Titus, Scott Johnson and Lou Battistella — were awarded emeritus status, joining two other past presidents as members of the emeritus board.

Lombardi is the CEO of Monongahela (Pa.) Valley Hospital and has owned a home on the lake since 1991. Now retired and a former treasurer of Pennsylvania, Hafer has owned her lake home since 1986. O’Brien is the manager of Silver Tree Marina and was raised in her family’s home at the lake.

During the general membership meeting, state and county leaders were given an opportunity to comment on issues that affect the membership. Topics covered included the watershed management plan, Thayerville water line project and related traffic issues, the recent sewage spill at the northwestern end of Marsh Run Cove and the proposed western conveyance line.

Board members presented reports on the upgrading of the POA website, an update on the mini-marina zoning issue, the safe drilling issue related to Marcellus shale and the mapping of the lake and members’ dock locations. Outgoing president Troy Ellington reported on the work of the various committees of the board and moderated a question-and-answer session.

The POA was formed in the early 1940s and was incorporated in 1949. It continues to represent its members in front of the various boards, commissions and governmental organizations that have control of the lake and the watershed around it.

The mission of the POA is to bring together the property owners of the Deep Creek Lake area to promote, preserve and protect the quality of life, environment, recreational opportunities, historic sites and historic areas in, on and around Deep Creek Lake.

For more information, visit http://www.deepcreeklakepoa.com.

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Lakefront mobile home $89,900! 50 feet to the water, Wisp views, dock slip! ga8165849 108 Walton Rd

The true address is 108 Walton Rd. Conveys turn-key, everything you see. Likely a cash deal required, as financing is scarce. Ground rent & dock slip additional costs, but the views are amazing!

Well maintained Lakefront mobile in Walton’s. Just 50′ from dock, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath unit offers large deck, master suite, fireplace and Wisp views to go along with the great Lake View.


Citizen Shale issues response to state’s Marcellus report

From Staff Reports Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — Citizen Shale has completed its comments on the Governor’s Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Initiative draft report on Best Management Practices for Marcellus Shale Development in Maryland.

“Many of you realize that the cart was placed in front of the horse in the development of the BMPs,” wrote Eric Robison, president of Citizen Shale. “The state of Maryland’s decision to compile BMPs before many other studies were completed seems to suggest that the state is moving forward with development of regulations without specific facts regarding the outcome of those studies.”

Robison suggested that a comprehensive way to form the BMPs would have been to fund a risk analysis, which would have guided the studies and scope for each. After those studies were completed, then the BMPs should be compiled, noted Robison.

The report is the second of three reports requested by Gov. Martin O’Malley’s safe drilling initiative. The primary focus of the report regarded environmental protection of potential drill sites.

“There are many areas within the BMPs that have what many would suggest are gold standards, but equally there are areas that lack informed decisions or have established industry guided recommendations,” wrote Robison. “Due to the complexity of the BMPs, Citizen Shale attempted to compile comments on areas that appeared to lack the gold standard approach to development of natural gas in the state of Maryland.”

Should hydraulic fracturing come to the state, one regulation to be implemented will be a mandatory Comprehensive Gas Development Plan to be done by any energy company applying for a permit to drill in the state.

“Though limiting clustered development to certain areas, Comprehensive Gas Development Planning requirements will ultimately create more intensive ‘sacrifice zones’ in the areas where this highly concentrated development takes place,” stated Citizen Shale in its comments.

The CGDP will cover a report on the location a company wishes to drill, how it will construct the well, materials that will be involved in drilling and other aspects in the production of the gas.

During a previous public forum, Christine Conn of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources explained the purpose of the CGDP is to allow the DNR and Maryland Department of the Environment, as well as other stakeholders, to recommend any changes to the company prior to drilling. Maryland would be the first state to mandate a CGDP by a government agency as a prerequisite for applying for a permit.

“There needs to be an external review process from MDE and DNR for permitting, siting, construction and operation of all pipelines and ancillary development outside of the CGDP process,” states Citizen Shale in its comments. “This can be addressed in the 2014 legislative session as a bill for the PSC (Public Service Commission) to adopt permitting for rural gas gathering lines within the state.”

As an organization, Citizen Shale hasn’t taken a position on fracking but has tried to stay within its mission of encouraging dialogue and supporting comprehensive efforts to protect individuals and communities from the wide-ranging impacts of shale gas development, said Robison.

The public comment period for the BMP draft report has been extended through Sept. 10. The report can be found at www.mde.state.md.us and a copy of the draft report is available at the Ruth Enlow Library in Oakland and the Frostburg Community Library.

On behalf of MDE, the Regional Economic Studies Institute of Towson University as part of the Maryland Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Initiative is conducting a survey and it can be found at http://resisurvey.resiusa.org/surveydata/ContingentValuation.htm

Comments on the BMP can be made to the MDE at msac@mde.state.md.us

To view Citizens Shale’s comments in their entirety, visit  http://citizenshale.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Citizen-Shale-BMP-comments.htm.

More here.

3 make short list for Garrett judge

Governor to have final say

From Staff Reports Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — The Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission for Commission District 5 has chosen three names to forward to the governor for consideration for the position of Garrett County District Court judge.

Stephan Moylan, Raymond Strubin and Daryl Walters were found to be legally and most fully qualified for the appointment to district court, according to a letter from the Administrative Office of the Courts to the governor.

The commission selected the nominations via a secret written ballot Aug. 20. Prior to the vote the commission conducted extensive interviews and reviewed all available information on the candidates.

Moylan is assistant public defender for the state of Maryland. Strubin is with the Garrett County District 12 Office of the Public Defender and Walters is master for the Fourth Judicial Circuit Court of Maryland.

The names will be forwarded to Gov. Martin O’ Malley, who will make the final appointment. There is no time frame for O’Malley to make the appointment, according to Kathleen Stafford, administrative clerk for Allegany County District Court. Hopefully, he makes the appointment soon, she said.

The district court judge position was left vacant following Judge Leonard Eiswert’s mandatory retirement, effective March 21.

More here.

GC Solid Waste & Recycling Public Informational Meeting – Apartment & Condominium Recycling Requirements

Press Release

August 27, 2013

The Garrett County Department of Solid Waste & Recycling announces a public informational meeting to discuss apartment and condominium recycling requirements

Owners of apartment buildings or condominiums that have 10 or more units are reminded that they will be required to provide recycling to their tenants by October 1, 2014. House Bill 1 that was passed during the 2012 legislative session requires owners or condominium councils of owners to provide for the recycling of metal containers, plastic containers, glass containers and paper. They are also required to provide for the removal of these materials for further recycling.

Garrett County Solid Waste and Recycling will need to adopt an amendment to its 10 year Solid Waste Management plan in order to comply with this recently passed legislation. As part of that process an Informational meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday September 18, 2013 in the Commissioner’s meeting room at 7 pm. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide a review of the proposed amendment, discuss the impact on owners and tenants, and to offer the opportunity for questions.

A copy of the draft language for the amendment is available on-line at garrettcounty.org/solid-waste-recycling, at the landfill office, and at the Grantsville branch of the Ruth Enlow Library.

Concerned citizens or owners are welcome to attend the meeting, send e-mail comments to dwbaker@garrettcounty.org or contact Garrett County Solid Waste by phone at 301-387-0322.