Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreekvacations.com301-501-0420

Seven Springs reaches agreement to buy Hidden Valley

September 3, 2013 11:44 pm

By Lawrence Walsh / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The new owner of Hidden Family Resort in Somerset County said it will continue to be “a great family-oriented resort,” an “ideal place” for children and their parents to learn how to ski and snowboard, play golf and pursue other outdoor activities.

Bob Nutting, chairman of neighboring Seven Springs Mountain Resort, recalled the joys of improving his skiing as a youngster at Hidden Valley and then watching his three daughters polish their snow-sliding skills at the resort.

“We are committed to the long-term success of Hidden Valley as a family destination,” he said. “We look forward to upgrading the resort, offering additional programs and adding employment opportunities.”

Mr. Nutting said both resorts “are strong and important establishments with long histories and bright futures. We will work to ensure that [they] grow and thrive as family destinations.”

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/sports/more-sports/seven-springs-reaches-agreement-to-by-hidden-valley-701834/#ixzz2e2TvKZB9

Part of Garrett wind bill said to be invalid

Elaine BlaisdellCumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — A portion of Senate Bill 370, which deals with setback requirements for wind turbines, was deemed unconstitutional by Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler because it would have given adjacent neighbors zoning authority.

Gansler sent a letter in May to Gov. Martin O’Malley saying that certain provisions of that bill are unconstitutional and can’t be enforced, said Monty Pagenhardt, county administrator, during the commission meeting on Tuesday.

“The bill will proceed, as it was written into law during the last session, except those certain provisions of the bill that were declared unconstitutional,” said Pagenhardt.

“There is a bill right now that is ready to be drafted by the department of legislative services that will address the certain provisions that pertain to setbacks and variances. That will be amended during the 2014 General Assembly,” he said.

The provision of the bill that was deemed unconstitutional deals with an adjoining property owner’s consent to a variance for a wind turbine setback requirement, according to the letter.

“While it is our view that this consent provision is likely to be unconstitutional, we believe that it can be severed from the bill,” wrote Gansler. “There are also other legal problems relating to this variance provision that should be corrected in the next session of the General Assembly.”

By requiring the consent of all adjoining property owners prior to applying for the variance, the bill has given neighboring property owners the power to determine whether or not a variance from setback requirements for wind turbines would be detrimental to the public health and welfare, according to the letter.

“Thus, it is our view that such delegation of zoning authority to individual landowners is of doubtful constitutionality,” read the letter.

Gansler suggests that, should the county approve the bill in spite of the defect, that they should administer the law as if adjoining property owners’ consent is not required.

State Sen. George Edwards is aware of the defect with the bill and indicated that the matter should be placed on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting and open to public comment, according to Pagenhardt.

Commissioner Jim Raley stressed that all the setbacks in the bill are legal but the variances aren’t.

The bill provides for a minimum setback for a wind turbine of, “no less than two and half times the structure height,” in the county.

“I think  (Edwards) views that (the bill is) salvageable, there are certain sections that are already enforceable on new future projects,” said Raley.

The portions of the bill that are enforceable don’t apply to wind systems that have submitted a specified interconnection application to the PJM before March 1.

Oakland area resident Eric Robison, who testified for the bill, suggested that additional language in the bill should be amended.

Robison suggested that a portion of the bill dealing with the definition of setback distance be amended to non leased property line.

The current definition of a setback distance is the distance measured from the base of the tower of a wind turbine in a wind system to any residential, commercial, public or agricultural building in all directions.

“This would allow those property owners that didn’t enter into a lease the full lease of their land,” said Robison. “I think that the county should open this back up to some type of transparent stakeholder participation in how that language would come forward.”

Robison suggested that the county utilize the same process that the Department of Planning and Land Development uses when when determining  wind turbine setback regulations.

Edwards negotiated the terms for setbacks in the bill with the Maryland Energy Administration and in doing so changed the initial setback, according to Robison.

The setback was changed from property line to occupied structures, buildings and out buildings.

The change in the initial setback allows for energy development to occur at a property line which in turn allows for wind turbines to go in adjacent property close enough to experience possible ice throw from the turbines, according to Robison.

Robison said that after looking at any documents in the county pertaining to setbacks that they were all done within the property line, with the bill being the exception.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.

More here.

Board of Garrett County Commissioners – Public Notice

The Board of Garrett County Commissioners will conduct a public hearing on September 24,  2013 at 5:00 PM in the County Commissioners meeting room, (203 South 4th St., Courthouse Annex, Oakland, MD). The Board will review a petition submitted by Mr. Bill Meagher to amend the Deep Creek Watershed Zoning Ordinance. Specifically, Mr. Meagher is requesting an amendment to the Table of Use Regulations to add a new category of use under section 157.024 (c) 23 for “Boat Rental including boat rides and / or boat tours as a separate service business and not offering any other services associated with a Marina.” The use would be P-Permitted in the TC and C zoning districts; permitted by SE-Special Exception in the TR, CR-1 and CR-2 zoning districts; and, N-Not permitted in any other district. Mr. Meagher’s
petition also includes an amendment to the Table of Dimensional Requirements for Principal Uses, section 157.041(c) 10 to read “Sale or rental of recreational vehicles, including boat rental as a separate service business.” The use would require a minimum land area of 10,000 sq. ft. in any districts where it is permitted except as provided in section 157.041(c) 3 which requires 6,000 sq. ft. per use and shopping centers.

The Board will also review proposals to amend the Deep Creek Watershed Zoning Ordinance as recommended by the Garrett County Planning Commission. Specifically, the Planning Commission is recommending an amendment to the Table of Dimensional Requirements for Principal Uses under section 157.041E.2 to add the C-Commercial district under the column heading “Zoning District” and within the same row and block as the TC-Town Center District.  The Planning Commission is also recommending an amendment to section 157.041E.3 of the Table of Dimensional Requirements for Principal Uses to alter the types of uses that would qualify for reduced land areas within a shopping center; to properly align the column headings and minimum land area standards; and to strike certain provisions for other zoning districts and
land areas to read as follows:
157.041E.3. Retail uses, service businesses and commercial recreational uses that are situated  in shopping centers having a minimum land area of 1 acre. Only those retail, service and commercial recreational uses specified under this Article as requiring a minimum land area of 10,000 sq. ft. in the TC and C zoning districts, are subject to the reduced minimum land area per use afforded by this Section.  For the TC and C zoning districts, a minimum of 6,000 sq. ft. would be placed under the column heading “Minimum Total Lot or Land Area Per Use” and a blank space would be placed under
the column heading “Minimum Average Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit.” Additionally, the  provisions for “Any other District” would be stricken from section 157.041E.3.

Copies of the specific amendments are available from the Planning and Land Development  Office located at 203 South 4th Street, Room 210, Oakland, MD 21550. The Board welcomes any comments on these proposed amendments at the hearing or in writing before the hearing.

By order of the Board of Garrett County Commissioners.


U.S. 219 wall to undergo major repair

$1.6 million project will fix concrete

Cumberland Times-News

MCHENRY — As the summer tourist season winds down at Deep Creek Lake, the Maryland State Highway Administration is looking ahead with a $1.6 million project to repair a deteriorated concrete wall along U.S. Route 219.

“The wall is structurally sound, but the worn concrete and exposed rebar detract from the attractiveness of the scenic Deep Creek Lake area,” SHA District Engineer Tony Crawford said. “These repairs will spruce it up in time to help put the area’s best face forward for the International Canoe Federation’s Canoe Slalom World Championships that will be held at Deep Creek Lake in September 2014.”

The project includes major repairs to the 1,356-foot-long wall that runs along the southbound shoulder of U.S. 219 at Fox Den Road. Work will begin in mid-September and proceed through the fall months until weather necessitates a closure, then will resume in spring with completion expected in early summer, weather permitting.

Motorists should expect shoulder closures throughout the duration of the project. During most of the work, both traffic lanes will be maintained and work will take place behind barriers on the southbound shoulder. However, at times, short-term lane closures with flagging will be necessary to allow crews to set up a barrier wall, receive deliveries or complete concrete pours. Whenever possible, these flagging operations will be scheduled for times with the least impact to the public.

Access to residences along Fox Den Road will be maintained at all times. Advance warning signs, cones, drums, variable message signs, barricades and flaggers will guide motorists through the construction zone.

SHA’s contractor for the project is Charles J. Merlo of Mineral Point, Pa.

This project was made possible with funding from the Transportation Infrastructure Investment Act of 2013.

More here.

Maryland Department of Natural Resources proposes building two off-road vehicle trails

5:00 p.m. EDT, August 31, 2013

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has proposed building two recreational trails for off-road vehicles in the westernmost portion of Washington County.

The proposal to build the trails on state-owned land at Sideling Hill North and Sideling Hill South is to be discussed Sept. 4 during a meeting at the New Germany State Park Lake House in Garrett County, according to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

DNR said it is proposing another off-road vehicle trail in Garrett County at St. Johns Rock.

The proposals could meet with resistance from environmental groups, according to Del. LeRoy Myers, R-Washington/Allegany.

More here.

Labor Day Weekend – 2013 – Fun things to do at Deep Creek Lake!

Have a SAFE, FUN FILLED Labor Day weekend at Deep Creek Lake!

Thursday August 29

Boardwalk –DJ
Harbor Bar — The Masons, 6

Friday August 30

Black Bear Tavern — Paul Berger, 6
Boardwalk — Karaoke, 8-12
Harbor Bar — TBA,  6
Little Yough Music Festival — The Carper Family, 7

Saturday August 31

Black Bear Tavern -Maxell House, 6
Boardwalk — Back Seat Driver,  5-8
Harbor Bar — TBA, 6
Long Branch Saloon — TBA
Mountain State Brewing — Live entertainment, 1-4

Monday September 1

Black Bear Tavern – Paul Berger, 6

Wisp Outdoors Labor Day Equipment Sale

Dates: August 30, 2013 – September 02, 2013

Wisp Outdoors Equipment Blow Out Sale

Friday, August 30 thru Monday, September 2

9am – 5pm – Wisp Outdoors Adventure Park

Wisp Outdoors Rental Equipment: Limited supply.

Come early for the best selection adn save big $$$$!

Sale equipments includes but not limited to
Mountain Bikes,
Paddleboards and Accessories.*

Click here for additional product information and pricing

*Products are in limited supply and based on availability and subject to change.


Blue Moon Rising Open House

Name: Blue Moon Rising Open House
Date: July 16, 2013 – September 5, 2013
Event Description:
Open House Tours
July 5th,2013 and last until September 1st, 2013
Monday- Friday: 4pm – 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: 11am – 3pmFor more information call us 240-442-5287 or email info@bluemoonrising.org

We are so new that we don’t have an official address yet. 219 near Gravelly Run Road.
Contact Information:

Little Yough Summer Music Festival

Name: Little Yough Summer Music Festival
Date: August 30, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Event Description:
The Little Yough Summer Concert Series will begin its 17th season! Come to downtown Oakland and join us for a night under the stars. Bring your chairs, blankets and refreshments if you would like.   They are every Friday evening from July 5-September 6, concerts begin at 7:00 pm and go until approximately 9:30 pm.  You can also come a little early and get some food from one of our many delicious food vendors. Concerts are held in the Mt. Fresh Pavilion on Town Park Lane next to the Little Yough river. Complete performers descriptions can be found at www.agreatsmalltown.com . Concerts are FREE, but donations are graciously accepted. Hope to see you there!2013 Line-up

August 30-The Carper Family
September 6- The Remedy

Mt. Fresh Pavilion on Town Park Lane in downtown Oakland next to the Little Yough River.
Date/Time Information:
7/6/2013-9/06/2013 Concerts begin at 7:00pm
Contact Information:
Michelle Ross 301-334-2691

Mountain Fresh Farmers Markets in Oakland

Name: Mountain Fresh Farmers Markets in Oakland
Date: August 31, 2013
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Event Description:
Mountain Fresh Farmers Markets feature the area’s freshest fruits, vegetables, berries, and herbs as well as plants, eggs, honey, cut flowers, delicious grassfed meats, goat’s milk cheeses, home baked goods, jams & jellies, hand made crafts, and more each Wednesday and Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm in beautiful downtown Oakland, just a 15 minute drive south from Deep Creek Lake.We’re a “Producer-Only” market, meaning that you are purchasing the items directly from farmers, bakers, and artisans, as we do not allow any reselling at our market.

Downtown Oakland at the corner of South First Street and Alley 3/Town Park Ln, just off Route 39 across the railroad tracks from the Oakland B&O Museum.
Date/Time Information:
Wednesdays & Saturdays, 10 am to 1 pm
Contact Information:
Call 301-334-6960 or email info@MountainFresh.org
Free Admission

SuGO Sunday: LEGO Robotics

Name: SuGO Sunday: LEGO Robotics
Date: September 1, 2013
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
SuGO teams building their Sumo Robot.
Event Description:
Come and build Sumo Wrestling Robots using LEGO MINDSTORMS.SuGO teams form at 1:00pm, and build until 3:30pm. Teams can be families or friends and No experience is necessary. All equipment is provided, and help is available for rookie teams. At 3:00, teams move to the arena and the SuGO bots battle it out tournament style.

This is a great activity for LEGO lovers of all ages.
Experience the latest LEGO Robotics hardware and push your creativity to the limit..

Light refreshments are available for purchase.

GEARS Inc. 116 Industrial Park Drive, Accident MD 21520
Date/Time Information:
First Sunday of every Month. 1:00-5:00pm
Contact Information:
Phil Malone (301) 387-2331
$10 per team of free for GEARS members. Yearly Membership is $25.


Date: September 1, 2013
Time: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Event Description:
Date/Time Information:
Contact Information:

Sunday September 1 – Deep Creek Discovery Center

10:00 a.m. Canoe with the NaturalistJoin the Naturalist for a guided tour to Meadow Mt. Cove. Learn about the plant & animal life of GarrettCounty’s wetlands. Basic canoeing skills will be covered. $10/adult; $5 for age 12 & under. Must pre-register as space is limited. Meet at the DiscoveryCenter. 2 hr.

2:00 p.m. Fish Prints.  Join us for the ancient tradition of Gyotaku. Make a poster or print. 45min.


Door Entry Systems and School Resource Officers in Garrett County Public Schools

Garrett County Public Schools have been proactive in implementing additional security measures in all

schools over the past six months.  New door security hardware and the incorporation of School

Resource Officers (SROs) have been put in place for the opening of schools on Monday, August 26

The school system has placed cameras and video recording equipment, access control door entry

systems, and entry intercoms/buzzers at all schools to provide additional security for the students, staff,

and visitors.  Also, the security software will allow for a keyless entry system for all employees and

will allow the schools to be locked at all times during the school day.

Parents and guardians who want to access a particular school will need to ring the buzzer at the front

door entrance.  Office staff will communicate through the intercom system and, if approved, will grant

access to the building.  A photo identification may be required.

The Garrett County Commissioners have funded two full-time School Resource Officers (SROs) for

the upcoming school year:  one for the northern end of the county and one for the southern end.

Sheriff Robert Corley will have the overall responsibility for  Lt. Clark Warnick and Deputy Tim

Sanders.  Lt. Warnick and Deputy Sanders are full time law enforcement officers of the Garrett County

Sheriff’s office and will have offices in the schools.  Their daily law enforcement and educational

activities will be coordinated with the local school administration staff.

Mrs. Cynthia Downton, President of the Garrett County Board of Education, stated, “The safety and

security of our students and staff are paramount to the Board of Education.  We appreciate the support

of the Garrett County Commissioners, Garrett County Sheriff’s Office, and the Maryland State

Department of Education for their support of these important safety initiatives.  In addition to these

measures, we remind our school staff and community members to continue to be vigilant regarding

strangers around school grounds or in our schools.”

More here.

Deep Creek Lake POA – Commissioners' Comments

Some of the comments that our county Commissioners made at the latest DCLPOA meeting:


1.      Odor on Lake Shore Drive.   I was not aware that the odor was again a problem at this location or any other station.    The County has taken preventative measures and invested capital into control (not totally eliminating) this.  Here is more detail about how this is controlled:


Odor Control

The Deep Creek Lake sewage collection system is predominately a series of pressure sewers and force mains, with a few areas of conventional gravity collection lines, that transport wastewater via seventeen major pumping stations to the wastewater treatment plant located on Mayhew Inn Road.  The collection system consists of approximately 40 miles of pipeline and is essentially a closed system except at major pumping station wet wells, at points of discharge into gravity sewer segments, and at air release valves.

Since the spring of 1985, the Garrett County Sanitary District/Department of Public Utilities (DPU) has been addressing sewer gas odors.  Odorous conditions are caused primarily by the generation of hydrogen sulfide from sulfate compounds naturally occurring in domestic sewage.  Odors are created when oxygen levels are depleted in the wastewater due to naturally occurring bacteriological action and hydrosulfide is converted from a liquid form to hydrogen sulfide gas.  Anaerobic bacteria which grow in slime coatings inside sewer pipelines also reduce sulfates to sulfide to obtain oxygen for metabolic processes.

There are three basic approaches to correction of hydrogen sulfide odor problems – masking, removal and prevention.  Masking entails the addition of deodorant chemicals to hide the odor; removal is generally accomplished by adsorption into activated carbon; and prevention is accomplished by maintenance of aerobic conditions in the collection system and retardation of slime growth.


Since system initiation, DPU has tested and utilized numerous methods for odor control including:


  • *Activated Carbon Canisters at the major pump stations and treatment plant
  • *Injection of Hydrogen Peroxide
  • *Injection of Potassium Permanganate
  • *Injection of Ferric Chloride
  • *Installation of Iron Oxide & Wood Chip Media Filters at major pump stations and air release vaults
  • *Injection of Sodium Hypochlorite
  • *Injection of Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide)
  • *Sealing of infrastructure with a silicone caulking
  • *Installation of rubber seals on major pump station vault lids
  • *Installation of waterless vapor odor control units utilizing odor neutralization products
  • *Citrus based floating degreaser in major pump stations
  • *Citrus based air enhancing products
  • *Injection of an iron enriched mixture to bind water phase sulfides in the collection system
  • *Injection of a naturally-occurring, non-pathogenic bacteria that changes the biofilm in the collection system to reduce noxious and corrosive gas production
  • *Installation of dry-chemical media scrubber units



We are currently utilizing the iron oxide and wood chip media filters, seals on pump station vault lids, citrus based air enhancing products, and the dry-chemical media scrubber units.  The recently added dry-chemical media scrubber units capture the odorous air being emitted from the system and permanently remove gases from the air through chemisorption.  During this instantaneous process, gases are adsorbed, absorbed and captured throughout the entire volume of the media.  The gases are then chemically transformed into harmless solids that remain trapped inside the media.


DPU has also retrofitted the influent piping in the major pump stations to minimize turbulence in order to inhibit release of odorous gases and installed odor logging units that continuously sample and record the levels of odorous gases in the system.


All major pump stations are manually checked on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and weekends.  In order to manually view the sewage levels in the pump station vaults and to break up any mat that forms on top of the wastewater or to perform any maintenance on the pumping system, the vault lids must be opened which will allow gases to escape from the vault when open.  Once maintenance procedures are completed, personnel are instructed to close and secure vault lids.


2.      Public Hearing on September 24, 2013 that will allow pubic commentary on request for a permit for commercial personal watercraft by Bill Meagher.   The Board of County Commissioners will take all public commentary including that of Mr. Meagher, the Planning Commission, Deep Creek Watershed Board of Zoning Appeals, and Department of Planning and Land Development under advisement.   I would encourage members of the POA to submit their opinion to my attention and attend the hearing.


3.     Realignment of Route 219 – Oakland (Bypass).   Commissioner Raley spoke to this question by stating that this project was moved to #2 on the Board of Garrett County Commissioners Capital Transportation Plan.  The 3 mile section of Route 219 from the PA line south to Interstate 68 is the #1 Project for the County and this project will begin construction this fall.  Questions on this plan should be addressed to John Nelson with the County Department of Planning and Land Development.


4.     Thayerville Water Project.   The question on different ad valorem tax rates for different sanitary districts in the Deep Creek Lake Watershed.   This is a question that will require an extensive answer and I would happy to facilitate such an response or session to meet.   In short, there are many water and sewer projects with different costs and distinct debt service obligations and terms of repayment.  If members would like me to compile a financial report let me know.    The County’s General Audit will show this in brief and a copy of this can be sent to anyone if needed.


5.      Thayerville Water Project.  Questions and comments on real property taxes and ad valorem tax rate for the Thayerville Water System.  I am not sure if there was question on this or just a comment.  In any event I will be available to further talk about this.


6.      Marcellus Shale.   Comments and questions on an economic development survey.  Commissioner Raley serves on the Governor’s Advisory Commission and I will speak with him about this and I will assure that information is posted on the County’s website.


7.      Glendale Road – Thayerville Water Project.  Request for a Public Hearing to receive public commentary on the financial impact (long term) for property owners who must connect to the System.  I am not certain a public hearing is what should occur due to the fact that all legal requirements have been met. However, the Board of County Commissioners is certainly open to set up a work session to listen comments and provide clarification.  I am not sure who would facilitate this on behalf of the person who asked today’s question or if the POA wants to take the lead but I will do what I can on behalf of the County.


8.      “Western Conveyance”  In 2003 the Board of Garrett County Commissioners began the process of extending the boundaries of the Deep Creek Lake Sanitary District in order to provide public water and sewer service to Shingle Camp Terrace, Brenneman Drive, Sandy Shores, Stockslager Road Extension, Penelacres, Slide Hollow, and Marsh Hill Subdivision.  Public Hearings and Public Informational meetings were conducted as required by the Environmental Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland in 2004 and 2006 and the project has been under engineering design since 2007.  During the period of 2007 to the present the Department of Public Utilities and the County Attorney have been securing easements and rights of way for all service lines.  At this time plans are to finalize project engineering design this summer and fall, solicit bids for the project over the winter months, and begin construction in the spring/summer of 2014.   The Board of County Commissioners would like to provide all property owners who would be in the service area with updates on the project status, a timeline for all phases of planning and construction, public hearing notice, system connection cost estimates, and other pertinent information.  The County would like to develop an email distribution list to provide this information.  Interested parties should contact County Administrator, Monty Pagenhardt to be added to the mailing list for this project.

Much more here.

Deep Creek Lake Property Owners Association – August 2013

Some info from the latest meeting of the Deep Creek Lake POA:

The  General Membership meeting was opened with words of greeting from Senator George Edwards and Delegate Wendall Beitzel.  Then the County Commissioners – Chairman Bob Gatto, Gregen Crawford and James Raley – came to the microphone and offered their comments.  A separate eBlast is being issued concurrently with these notes which reports on their comments.  David Myerberg, Chair of the Policy & Review Board [PRB] and also Chair of the Deep Creek Lake Watershed Management Plan Steering Committee [WMP] reported on the working of both groups and then responded to questions from the membership.  He mentioned the upcoming meeting on September 11, of the WMP, which will be held from 1 to 4:30pm in Conference Room 107, Garrett County Health Department, at 1025 Memorial Drive, Oakland.

More here.