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Tourism rises in Garrett County, Deep Creek Lake area

By Megan Brockett, The Baltimore Sun5:24 p.m. EDT, October 25, 2013

Tourism gains boosted Garrett County and the Deep Creek Lake area during the last fiscal year, the result of record accommodations sales for the county and a sharp increase in tourism sales tax revenue, according to the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce.

Garrett County, roughly three hours from Baltimore by car, attracts visitors year-round with the state’s largest freshwater lake, Deep Creek Lake, and its only ski resort.

Tourism sales tax revenues for the county climbed more than 6 percent during the fiscal year that spanned July 2012 to June 2013, while tourism sales tax revenues for the state as a whole grew by less than 1 percent.

Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/travel/bal-garrett-county-tourism-20131025,0,3058527.story#ixzz2jJBvYbeR


Two scenarios released for Marcellus drilling

Both developments would account for less than 100 percent of gas available

Matthew BieniekCumberland Times-News

CUMBERLAND — The latest sketch of two possible Marcellus shale gas developments in Maryland offers two scenarios for drilling in Allegany and Garrett counties. Neither scenario issued by a governor’s commission would develop anywhere close to 100 percent of the shale gas believed to be available in the state.

Both scenarios are a far cry from the idea of 1,000 plus wells that at least one industry representative outlined early on in the discussion of shale gas drilling in Western Maryland.

At the time an executive order by Gov. Martin O’Malley was issued in 2011, “an industry representative has estimated that as many as 1,600 wells could be drilled in 128,000 acres in Garrett County and another 637 wells in 51,000 drillable acres in Allegany County,” according to the state’s Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Advisory Commission website.

That industry estimate was described by one member of the commission as a “guesstimate” drawn up “on the back of an envelope.” That initial estimate had serious shortcomings at the very least, Brigid E. Kenney, a senior policy adviser to the commission, has said.

Now, the number of wells is more likely going to top out at between 150 and 450, according to the scenarios issued last week.

Of the two scenarios recently released, one accounts for development of 25 percent of the gas available, the other contemplates drilling for 75 percent of the gas believed to be available. A third scenario contemplates no drilling.

Maryland has less than two percent of the available reserves of natural gas in Marcellus shale throughout the nation. One commissioner suggested at the Sept. 25 meeting that a 100 percent drilling scenario also be offered. The scenarios issued are not state policy.

Drilling would begin in 2017 in both scenarios, with eight wells being drilled under the 25 percent scenario and 36 wells drilled under the 75 percent scenario, officials said. The number of wells would grow incrementally each year, with the maximum number of wells drilled in the years 2019-21. Of course, both scenarios assume the state will allow drilling to occur, which is by no means certain, since permanent drilling moratorium bills were introduced in the 2013 General Assembly session. While the bills did not pass, both received significant support within the legislature.

By 2026, the total number of wells would reach a maximum of 450 if 75 percent of shale gas resources were developed, according to the scenarios.

The scenarios were released last week by the commission. The commission is expected to complete its work on the study of potential gas drilling benefits, risks and best practices in late summer of 2014. No drilling permits are currently being issued in Maryland, and a few that were issued were eventually withdrawn.

For more information, visit:http://www.mde.state.md.us/programs/Land/mining/marcellus/Pages/index.aspx.

Matthew Bieniek can be contacted at mbieniek@times-news.com.

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A year after Hurricane Sandy, recovery ongoing

By Scott Dance, The Baltimore Sun1:08 p.m. EDT, October 28, 2013

A year ago, Hurricane Sandy was imminent, and now 12 months later, signs of recovery from the storm remain in Crisfield and Garrett County.

In Crisfield, charity workers will on Monday dedicate the first two houses to be rebuilt since Sandy’s winds and storm surge funneled floodwaters across the Eastern Shore town.

Garrett County meanwhile is putting the finishing touches on a new emergency operations center that could help coordinate rescue efforts in future storms like Sandy, which dumped up to 3 feet of heavy, wet snow, cutting off power and stranding residents.

Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/weather/weather-blog/bal-wx-a-year-after-hurricane-sandy-recovery-ongoing-20131028,0,1024474.story#ixzz2jJDv2yG3


Maryland closes bear hunting season with 94 killed over 6 days in Allegany, Garrett counties

By Associated Press, Published: October 27

HAGERSTOWN, Md. — Maryland has closed its 2013 black bear hunting season with hunters reporting 94 bears killed in the western part of the state.

The season opened last Monday in Allegany and Garrett counties for six days and closed on Saturday. Most of the bears were killed in Garrett County, with a tally of 70. In Allegany County, 24 were killed.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources reports the average life weight of the bears this year was 142 pounds. The agency says Mark Martin of Oakland took the largest bear of the season. It was a 392-pound male.
In all, 748 hunters participated in this year’s hunt, and 3,504 hunters applied for a permit.

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1 year after Superstorm Sandy, Garrett County, Md., prepping for next catastrophic snowfall

By Associated Press, Published: October 26

OAKLAND, Md. — The mountain dwellers of far western Maryland know a lot about snow, but a crippling blizzard spawned last year by Superstorm Sandy taught them a painful lesson in emergency preparedness.

Scattershot planning and outdated communications gear caused confusion and delays after a 29-inch snowfall Oct. 29-30 left some Garrett County residents snowbound and without power for more than a week. The problems prompted Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley to replace the county’s longtime emergency management chief to help the state improve the ability to respond to weather disasters.

A year later, as the season’s first snowflakes fall, first-responder communications have been upgraded, procedures have been revised, and work on a new emergency operations center at the county airport will be completed. That facility will replace the makeshift command center set up at the county courthouse after the snowstorm.

Paugh named to fill vacant Garrett school board seat

For the Cumberland Times-News

Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — The Garrett County commissioners appointed Matthew Paugh as an elected member of the Garrett County Board of Education.

Paugh will complete the unexpired term of office of Donald Forrester, who resigned from the school board on Sept. 30.

“The board of county commissioners is very confident that Mr. Paugh will provide the students, faculty and administration of the Garrett County Public School System with high quality leadership at board level. His professional experience, dedication and commitment to public education was very evident to the board of county commissioners,” said Monty Pagenhardt, county administrator.

Paugh is employed as assistant vice president and market manager with Susquehanna Bank and holds a bachelor of arts degree from Messiah College and a master of divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary.

He serves as mayor of the town of Kitzmiller, is a member of the board of directors of Garrett County Community Action Committee and is on the board of governors of Garrett County Memorial Hospital. He also serves as chair of the Kitzmiller Elementary School Advisory Committee.

Paugh will attend the Board of Education’s public meeting on Nov. 12.

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Growing Black Bear Population Leads To Increased Hunt

GARRETT COUNTY, Md. (WJZ) — A growing black bear population means more bears are being hunted this week in Maryland.

Alex DeMetrick reports like the bears, the hunt is spreading.

As Deep Creek Lake settles into autumn, trucks pull in and out of a Department of Natural Resources check-in station carrying dead black bears. There is no restriction on size or age during the annual hunt, but there is a promise.

“What we promised all along–we would never wipe out the bear population with this well-regulated hunt,” said Paul Peditto, DNR.

Nine years ago, when the hunt started, there were 500 bears in Maryland. Now it’s estimated at 1,000, so the harvest quota is up. Thirty bears were taken the first year of the hunt in 2004. This year, between 95 and 130 will be taken as their range has spread from Garrett and Allegany counties east into Washington and Frederick counties.

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Garrett Public Safety Day provides close-up look at first responders

Weekend event held at county fairgrounds

For the Cumberland Times-NewsCumberland Times-News

MCHENRY — The first Garrett County Public Safety Day was held Saturday at the Garrett County Fairgrounds.

Numerous organizations were on hand at the event, which was designed for public education and exposure to what each of the public safety organizations do daily.

The event included various volunteer fire departments, rescue squads, Maryland State Police, Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office with the Bomb Squad and the Garrett County Sheriff’s Office.

The evening started off with an event called a Water Reach, which provided a chance to handle a charged hose line and shoot tennis balls from cones.   Youngsters were able to dress up in firefighting gear and receive a firefighter helmet for their participation.

Maryland State Police brought its K-9 unit and the Crime Scene Unit. Participants also were able to meet the state police canines and their handlers.

On the opposite side of the building, the Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office brought its bomb squad robot, which rolled around the building opening tool boxes and picking up cups.

Outside, in one of the other fair buildings, a Hose Maze was set up to demonstrate obstacles that could be present in a house. The object was to follow the hose line to either find the nozzle and fight the fire or follow the hose line and get out of the house. The exercise simulated how a firefighter must go through a burning building and only rely on their sense of feeling to get them out of the building.

An Ultimate Firefighter Challenge occurred in the show ring. While it seemed easy, firefighters that went through the challenge were wearing their personal protective gear and breathing apparatus, which both weigh about 75 pounds. The challenge consisted of an obstacle course of what normal firefighters would do on at a typical fire scene, testing local firefighters for strength and en-durance.

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Garrett County Public Schools updates website

Users can sign up for press releases

For the Cumberland Times-News

Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — Garrett County Public Schools recently launched a new website that features an updated look with better menu options and an easy-to-use navigation bar located at the top of the home page.

The new site is located at www.garrettcountyschools.org or users will be redirected if logging into the former website www.ga.k12.md.us.

It features popular web links under the Resources section located on the left-hand side of the home page and a rotating slideshow of pictures featuring Garrett County Public Schools students, staff and events.

Also featured on the home page are recent items of interest for parents, students, staff and the community. This includes press releases and the latest school system news. Website visitors can also sign up to receive press releases by email, which feature student and staff accomplishments and general informational items. To sign up for press releases, look for the Stay Connected section on the lower right-hand side of the home page and enter an email address.

The website will still be used as a primary notification tool when any changes in the school schedule occur. Located at the top of the home page is a search function users can select when looking for specific information on the site. The site also has a Contact Us form for users to send comments or questions to Public Information staff.

The Contact Us form is located at both the top and bottom of the homepage.

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DNR wildlands proposal gets mixed reactions

Elaine Blaisdell

Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — Garrett County Planning Commission members have mixed emotions about the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Wildlands Proposal that is up for review, according to county commission chairman Robert Gatto, who is a non-voting member of the planning commission.

Wildlands are state-owned natural areas preserved for their wilderness character or sensitive natural resources. The nine areas proposed in the county, both new and expanded wildlands, total 9,000 acres. The largest wildlands proposed is 3,993 acres of the Youghiogheny Corridor, Maryland’s only “wild” river.

“People definitely like to see the land preserved and protected for future generations, but at the same time there is the concern of are we protecting it too much and we aren’t able to do the things we want to do on that property,” said Gatto during the commissioners’ public meeting. “Some on the commission felt that it’s already protected because it has endangered species and so why protect it even more and limit potential down the road.”

Hunting and fishing are permitted on state wildlands, subject to existing laws, regulations and administrative policies.

“At any time, those designations could be changed where you wouldn’t be able to (do those things) depending on who is in office and what their intent is,” said Gatto.

Commissioner Jim Raley said that when the DNR purchases the properties, everyone becomes a landowner.

“Because each of us who pay taxes have put a little bit of money towards that purchase and it does concern me that sometimes in designations there are certain things they don’t want done,” said Raley. “My concern is that the state is going to continue purchasing land with our monies in our county. Then the citizens should be able to enjoy some economic benefit from that such as usage of those trails. Yes, there are limitations.”

For example, some off-road vehicle trails have been closed and restrictions have been placed on being able to consume alcoholic beverages in parks.

“The rules can change and that becomes my point of contention,” said Raley. “I think the folks in Garrett County need to make sure our state officials and DNR know those concerns. I want the lands protected but I want the citizens protected, too.”

Gypsy moth suppression can’t occur on wildlands, according to Commissioner Gregan Crawford. Swanton resident Marshall Stacy, whose land is surrounded by wildlands, stated, “My little patch is beautiful and green and everything around me is dead.”

“We invite people to see just how horrible the state has been as a steward of forest land by this gypsy moth mess,” said Marshall’s wife, Cindy Stacy.

The state owns $165 million worth of assessed value property in the county, which includes critical infrastructure, according to Raley.  The state owns close to 80,000 acres in the county.

Local meetings regarding the wildlands proposal are scheduled Nov. 6 at 6 p.m. at Deep Creek Lake State Park’s Discovery Center and Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. at Allegany College of Maryland Continuing Education Room CE8.

More information on the wildlands can be found on the county’s website at http://garrettcounty.org/news/2013/10/dnr-beginning-public-input-process-on-wildlands-designation.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.

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