Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Are the taxpayers really winning?

As president of the Anne Arundel County Fraternal Order of Police, I find myself looking back at County Executive John R. Leopold’s column, “Budget choices: Taxpayers win again” (The Capital, June 2009).

This column was published almost two years afterThe Capital’sarticle, “Nonprofits lose, taxpayers win in county budget.”

These articles, and others like them, received accolades from our conservative, tax-averse citizens. The taxpayers have had one victory after another under Leopold, as he successfully shaved pay and benefits for county government workers, and cut everything that could possibly be cut from an already lean county workforce. Are the taxpayers really winning? Maybe, like actor Charlie Sheen, they are “epic winning.” Really?

More here.

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