Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Local Residents Testify

Mar. 8, 2012

Garrett County residents were among those who testified this week in Annapolis before the Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee of the Maryland Senate. At issue were 20 different bills that have to do with the drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus shale layer in western Maryland.

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Among those who testified were members of the local advocacy group CitizenShale, business owners, and private citizens. Pictured at the table above, from left, are CitizenShale members Eric Robison of Garrett County, Jacquelyn Sams of Allegany County, and Nadine Grabania and Paul Roberts, both of Garrett County. The various pieces of legislation cover issues of property leasing, potential damages, disclosure issues, and taxation of drilling companies.

More here.

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