Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Counties favor bill to help education

CUMBERLAND — Both the Allegany County commissioners and the Maryland Association of Counties have voiced their support for a proposed bill that would limit any decrease in state funding for public school systems to 5 percent in any one year.
The commissioners wrote a letter to Delegate Sheila Hixon, chairwoman of the House of Delegates Ways and Means Committee, in support of House Bill 660.
MACo voted to support both HB 660 and companion Senate Bill 586, according to Garrett County Commissioner Gregan Crawford, who is a member of the MACo Board of Directors and Legislative Committee.
The legislation was introduced by Sen. George Edwards and cross-filed in the House by Delegates Wendell Beitzel, Kevin Kelly and LeRoy Myers, Crawford said. Approval would equate to additional funding of about $1 million for the Garrett County school system, according to Crawford.

More here.

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