Jun. 24, 2010
Garrett County Special Olympics athletes fared extremely well in bocce singles and bocce doubles at the 40th anniversary of the Special Olympics Summer Games held at Towson University from June 10 to 13. The following athletes earned medals in the bocce singles competition: Robert Broadwater, Jeff Michaels, Linda Murphy, and Toma Savage earned gold medals; Virginia Simon earned a silver medal; and Laurie Bittinger, George Mattingly, Craig Robison, and Wendy Seymour earned bronze medals. Stacy Geroski received a 4th place ribbon for bocce singles. The following teams earned medals in bocce doubles: Broadwater and Michaels, and Murphy and Seymour earned gold medals; Geroski and Mattingly earned a silver medal; and Bittinger and Simon, and Robison and Savage earned bronze medals. Pictured above in the front row, from left to right, are Murphy and coach Karen Broadwater. Middle row: Holly Haley, Bittinger, Geroski, Michelle Giebel, Michaels, Mattingly, and area director Matia Vanderbilt. Back row: Seymour, Robert Broadwater, Robison, Stewart Holt, Savage, Simon, and Donna Holt.
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