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Nov. 18, 2010
Kara Savage and Ashley Rodeheaver received the American FFA Degree at the 83rd National FFA Convention in Indianapolis last month. It is the highest degree awarded by the National FFA Organization, and recognizes leadership abilities and outstanding achievements in agricultural business, production, processing, and service programs.
Reportedly, fewer than one in 154 FFA members advance through their local chapter and state FFA degree programs to earn this national degree.
Both girls received a gold American FFA Degree key and a certificate in a blue leatherette frame.
Savage is the daughter of L. Deane and Nancy Savage. She is currently attending Garrett College, with plans to transfer to Frostburg State University in the fall of 2011.
She is a member of the North Garrett FFA Chapter under advisor Richard McCrobie.
Savage is the 2010 Garrett County Farm Queen, and was the 2008 Autumn Glory Festival Queen.
She received the State FFA Degree in June 2009.
She has shown dairy animals at numerous local, state, and national shows, and has won numerous grand champion dairy showmanship awards, the grand champion swine showmanship award, and the reserve grand champion rabbit showmanship award.